Friday, August 25, 2017

Kurbani Fifteen Important Significance And Aakkam

Kurbani Fifteen Important Significance And Aakkam

Hello Friend's

Today Our team launch this app only on Eid-ul-adha.

Because this world many people do not know kurbani means, history and how to right of qurbani work.

So we launch this android application before eid-ul-adha.

The team include into this smartphone app top 15 Most Important Significance And Aakkam.

The Virtues of the Day of the Sacrifice and the Sacrifice:

This day is a name of Yawmul Hajjil Akbar or Best Hajj Day. On that day, the pilgrims fulfill their Hajj by ransoming their animals. Hadith comes in: Ibn Umar ra Narrated from the Prophet's. The day of the sacrifice asked, which day? The Companions replied that it is Yawmunnahar. Rasul Kareem S He said: This is Yawmul Hajjil Akbar or Best Hajj Day.

Friend's We Wish Happy for Eid-ul-Adha all Muslim People in the World.

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